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Single cell sequencing service

Single Cell Discoveries is a CRO dedicated to single-cell sequencing services. With our exceptional range of services, including SORT-seq, VASA-seq, and multiple 10x Genomics solutions, there is always a method that meets your needs.

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Research and Development at Single Cell Discoveries
Our single cell sequencing services

We offer single-cell sequencing services

Our R&D team is actively developing novel single-cell sequencing services,
multi-omic applications and custom solutions for our clients. All our single cell sequencing services are listed below. For a more detailed overview, we recommend to download our information guide.

10x Genomics

10x Genomics provides high-throughput microfluidics-based single-cell sequencing solutions. The different 10x Genomics products we offer have different applications and uses.

What we offer:
  • Single Cell Gene Expression: 3' transcriptome gene expression analysis
  • Single Cell Immune Profiling: 5' transcriptome gene expression with T and B cell reportoire
  • Single Cell Gene Expression flex: probe-based gene expression analysis for FFPE and fixed tissue samples
  • Single Cell ATAC: Analyze chromatine accessibility at single-cell resolution
  • Single Cell Multiome: Combine scATAC-seq with gene expression analysis
Single-cell sequencing platform VASA-seq: apparatus macro photo of automated liquid dispenser placing single-cell plate in robot.


SORT-seq is a single-cell RNA sequencing platform with high sensitivity and flexibility. Its cell-capture plate core and FACS compatibility enable the application to a broad range of sample types, organisms, and tissues. Single Cell Discoveries is the exclusive provider of SORT-seq. The technology was invented by Single Cell Discoveries founder Mauro Muraro during his PhD in the Van Oudenaarden Lab. The technology was first published in 2016 and has since been cited over 700 times.  The technology is a partially robotized version of CEL-Seq2, acclaimed in benchmark studies for its accuracy, sensitivity in identifying rare cell types, and excellent reproducibility.


VASA-seq, vast transcriptome analysis of single cells by dA-tailing, is a single-cell sequencing platform for full-length, total RNA sequencing. Single-cell sequencing methods such as SORT-seq and 10x Genomics enable single-cell transcriptomics analysis by detecting short fragments of polyadenylated RNA. In contrast, VASA-seq generates full-length RNA reads and encompasses non-coding and immature RNA species by fragmenting and tailing all RNA molecules. This allows for the analysis of full-length, non-coding, and immature mRNA molecules, all at single-cell resolution. The RNA biotypes you can detect include lncRNA, snRNA, snoRNA, and histone genes. Currently, our VASA-seq service is available for human, mouse, and rat samples. Working with other species?


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Download our information guide to access an overview of Single Cell Discoveries, explore our single-cell sequencing services, learn how to get started, and gain more valuable insights.


We are single-cell
sequencing experts

At Single Cell Discoveries, we are 100% focused on single-cell and spatial transcriptomics. This focus enables us to take on both large-scale projects and create customized solutions for each client project. Our R&D team is actively developing novel single-cell sequencing technologies, multi-omic applications and spatial transcriptomics.

Our experience is unmatched in the field

Our team of PhD-level scientists and bioinformatics experts are at the forefront of single-cell sequencing research. We have been working in the single-cell field since 2012. Our co-founder and CEO Mauro Muraro published our SORT-seq technology, and our R&D consultant is the mind behind VASA-seq. We have experience in over 40 organisms and 30 tissues, and are able to quickly adapt workflows for novel samples.

We help you stay ahead of the curve

At Single Cell Discoveries, we are committed to continuously integrate leading-edge technologies into our service offerings to ensure clients have access to the latest advancements in single-cell genomics. Our R&D department works to both internalize the best commercial platforms and advance our own single-cell innovations to provide you with the highest quality results.

We work with you as a collaborative partner

Our team will work closely with you, providing guidance and support throughout your research journey. We are dedicated to maintaining a high-touch, collaborative relationship with clients as we scale our capacity to accommodate larger projects. By acting as your thought partner, we delve deep into the intricacies of your research and offer valuable single-cell insights.

Dr. Bram Slütter Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research

“It’s the expertise that Single Cell Discoveries has in single-cell and T cell receptor sequencing, even though you are flexible, that makes it preferential for us to work with an industry partner like you.”

Dr. Samuel García Pérez Galicia Sur Health Research Institute

"Fantastic job made by a really professional and friendly team. I strongly recommend Single Cell Discoveries for sequencing services."

Dr. Vanessa LaPointe MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine

“What we appreciate most is the nature of the collaboration. With Single Cell Discoveries, we could discuss the design of our 10x Genomics experiments, which analyses to do, and how to solve our challenges.”

Step 1 - Consultation with our clients
Step 1


Every project starts with one or more free consultations because no two single-cell projects are the same. Our experienced PhD-level team discusses your biological question, sample type, planning, data analysis options, and other wishes. This will ensure you select the best method for your project and can hit the ground running.

Step 2

Sample Preparation

Depending on the method of choice, you either create a single-cell suspension (10x Genomics) or sort your cells into our 384-well cell capture plates (SORT-seq or VASA-seq). The cell capture plates can be ordered through our website. Then, send your samples to our lab on dry ice. If you are based near our lab in Utrecht, the Netherlands, it's possible to use freshly dissociated samples. In some cases, we can take care of the tissue sourcing and experimental steps as well. This can be discussed in our consultations.


Single cell sequencing Illumina NovaSeq scientist places samples in the new NovaSeq X machine
Step 3

Processing in Our Lab

Our experienced team performs the protocol of choice in our lab. We sequence the libraries on our Illumina NovaSeq X Plus or NextSeq 2000. We'll do multiple QC checks and keep you informed of the status of your project.


Step 4 - Analysis of sequencing data
Step 4

Data Analysis

Our data team performs exploratory data analysis using a Seurat pipeline, checks the data quality, and discusses irregularities with our lab team if necessary. You will receive the raw data files, data report, and guiding explanations. Talk to our data consulting team for help or request additional assessments such as pseudotime and gene set enrichment analysis.


As with all of our services, we provide ongoing support from our single-cell sequencing specialists. For each 10x Genomics project, we provide the following.

  • Regular updates during processing, including QC reports.
  • Raw sequencing data (FASTQ files)
  • Raw and filtered gene count tables
  •  An interactive preliminary analysis report including QC, clustering and differential gene expression analysis  
  • A Seurat object to do your own analysis with the Seurat pipeline
  • For 10x Genomics: A cloupe object for easy analysis with the Loupe browser by 10x Genomics
  • An explanation from our data team about data quality metrics 
  • All raw sequencing data, results and reports are processed on EU servers, and securely encrypted using an AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm with a 256-bit key, before being delivered to the customers and archived
Which single-cell sequencing technology should I choose for my project?

That depends on your biological question, sample type, and budget. Feel free to schedule a meeting with one of our experts to discuss your project in more detail. We'll make sure to advise you on the best platform for your project.

Information Guide

Discover our single-cell sequencing solutions

Download our information guide to access an overview of Single Cell Discoveries, explore our single-cell sequencing services, learn how to get started, and gain more valuable insights.