BioTuring has just released its latest software offering, the BioTuring BBrowserX. This Bioturing single-cell browser is designed to help researchers analyze and visualize large amounts of single-cell data quickly and easily.
It is now available for all Single Cell Discoveries clients.
The BioTuring BBrowserX is a state-of-the-art data visualization and analysis tool that provides researchers with a streamlined, user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) platform for analyzing single-cell datasets. Its built-in GPU acceleration gives BBrowserX the power to scale up to millions of cells.
It allows researchers to perform many types of advanced analyses, including subclustering and reclustering, cell type prediction using publicly available single-cell datasets, differential gene expression analysis, pseudotime trajectory analysis, and more.
In addition, BioTuring BBrowserX offers a range of visualization tools that help researchers intuitively explore their data. From heat maps to violin plots and 3D visualizations, the single-cell browser helps scientists to spot trends and patterns in their data, thus enabling downstream interpretation.
User Guide
With its release, the Bioturing BBrowserX is now available to all Single Cell Discoveries clients. This deal is part of the collaboration between Single Cell Discoveries and BioTuring to improve single-cell sequencing research.
Read our BioTuring user guide for more information.
Update: license
Read the full update here.
From now on, the previous license specific to SCD clients, with limited features, will be discontinued. As of august 2023, everyone can get a 3-month full license for BBrowserX without limitations with their first single-cell sequencing project. To use it, you do have to schedule a demo training with BioTuring (not with our scientists).
Schedule your demo training with BioTuring here:
You’ll also receive these links to the demo training if you sign up for the 3-month license.
If you’re not interested in the demo training, but you do wish to use the BBrowserX, you can get a full license for 1 month.